About Me…The Long of It

Hi friends, I’m Stephanie β€” teacher, mentor, magic wielder, wild woman, and deeply embodied sacred space holder. I’m also a divorcee, ex-corporate cog, former substance abuser, and deeply flawed human. If that strikes a cord of intrigue or discomfort, I encourage you to stay with me. Come along to see the revelation of a heart set on fire by the desire to understand, to connect, to fully embody this spiritual existence, and to heal what we’ve experienced in this lifetime and what’s been given to us in our lineage. 

I was born and raised in Southern Louisiana, where the sway of a deeply Christian home held a tight grip on my upbringing. As I got older – and more human – I felt that my flawed existence wasn’t welcome, or that with a spiritual experience came great suffering and repentance. I simply didn't know how to be in communion with spirit and not be within the four walls of an organized religion that just didn't feel like home. So, I abandoned it altogether. But as life unfolded its mysteries, I opened to experiences that forever altered my perception of the sacred. 

Now, at my core, I am a living altar of prayer and communion. In my work, I facilitate workshops and retreats harnessing the power of movement as ritual, and healing our relationship to what sacred means to each of us. I also offer mentorship to women on embodied spiritual practice, embracing the power of the sacred within.

My journey has led me to many roles, each of which is a piece of the mosaic that is me. And friends, it has been far from linear. I have my flaws, my shadows, and my wounds, but I've learned that these are the very tools that have shaped me into who I am today. I spent many years as a corporate cog, and later a corporate queen, in the world of media and PR. It was a successful career, navigating the bustling corridors of power, managing campaigns and strategies that shaped public perception. A world of deadlines, conference calls, and boardroom meetings. I also married young and had what most perceived as a very strong and happy union, while the underlying truths were riddled with drug abuse, infidelity, and profound disconnection from my sensual self. 

During this time, I began to devote myself to a yoga practice, and started to unravel some of the tightly wound beliefs I held around myself. Through this exploration I also reconnected with my childhood wonder of the moon and I began to attune to her phases, studying how this affected our human bodies. When I stopped taking hormonal birth control at age 31, these effects became more potent, palpable even. My intuition became stronger β€” like the pull of the tides β€” and changes began to take place, both physically and emotionally. While balancing marriage and corporate life, I pursued a Yoga Teacher Training program that ignited a spark within me to cultivate meaningful community, and explore our connection to greater energetic forces. It also opened up a world where I was more attuned to my heart than ever before, and I began to heal my relationship to myself:  my body my worth, my mental health, and my spiritual practice 

Feeling this deep-seated misalignment between my external success and my internal fulfillment, it became increasingly clear that I was not living in harmony with my true purpose. This dissonance became a catalyst for my own transformation.

This shift required me to summon the courage to step away from the comfort and seeming stability of marriage, career, and a city that had been my home, to venture into the wild unknown while my life as I knew it unraveled. I experienced an intense dark night of the soul where I came to face my demons, and attuned to the power of alchemy to transform shadow into fuel for change, and in a leap of faith, follow the call of my heart.

Following this profound turning point, I trusted in an intuitive draw and moved to New York to further my studies in yoga, with a goal of teaching other teachers. On 5am subway rides to teach in dark, hot, candlelit yoga studios, I devoured books from teachers and philosophers that expanded my inner and outer world view. Through my exploration of the city I was connected with an immense spiritual community, and devoted myself to my practice, and my healing. From hosting moon circles at my Brooklyn apartment, to spontaneously joining an upstate Embodied Goddess retreat, to performing intricate Naga Dosham rituals in my garden, my life became a living altar. A daily devotion to the path of the sacred. 

On this path, I became deeply held in sacred sisterhood, devoted to spaces where women could come together to support each other on their journeys of self-exploration. Community became a sanctuary where we celebrated our unique paths, honoring the diverse tapestries of our lives while weaving a common thread of spiritual growth and connection to intuition. 

In 2019, I launched my own practice of ritual + lunar guidance, and in the collective upheaval of 2020, I listened to the call to create community through this channel in a time it was so needed. Since this turning point, my journey has taken me across the globe, allowing me to immerse myself in diverse cultures, practices, and traditions. Through my travels, I have learned from wisdom keepers and sage mentors on the path, studied ancient and contemporary healing traditions, and shared my own insights with communities around the world. This global perspective has enriched my work, enabling me to offer a broader and more inclusive approach to healing and spiritual growth.

I am a connector, a seeker, always on the lookout for new ways to expand my understanding of the world and my place in it. I am a light along the dark and uncertain path, offering my hand to those who are ready to take hold. This is the power of a heart cracked open by a yearning to heal my connection with it.

the short of it


As a yoga and meditation instructor and educator (500RYT/YACEP), I guide others towards greater awareness through the practice + study. As a creator of sacred spaces, I provide refuge for those seeking deeper connection. As an embodied practitioner, I facilitate practices using breath, sound, and movement, helping move people towards a deeper inner-standing and unlayering of themselves. As an herbalist and green witch apprentice, I have learned to work with ritual earth magic, in reverence to the incredible healing properties of the natural world. And through the energetic + intuitive healing practices, I channel universal energy to bring about balance and harmony.

Check out my Resume Here.



    Stephanie is kind and teaches from her heart which makes the entire experience even more magic and precious. I am grateful the Universe put her and this circle of women on my path.



    Stephanie has a kind and fun energy and she lead the group with deep insights, clarity, and practicality. The dynamic of her virtual classroom allowed for authenticity, connection, and self-study.

    ~ Massey A.


    Stephanie was such a pleasure to work with while healing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The ritual toolkit helped me ground in a time with so much uncertainty, and ground-center-shield helped me build energetic boundaries for myself. Thank you so much for helping me become more embodied during a time of healing!


a little more about me

  • 200 RYT - Organic Soul Yoga (2014)
    500 E-RYT - Y7 Studio (2020)
    YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Professional) (2020-Present)
    Spiritual Apprenticeship in Astrology, Numerology, and Mystic Archetypes - Dainichi Lazuli (2019)
    Reiki Level 2 β€” Usui Lineage (attuned in 2019 and 2020)
    Herbal Medicine + Earth Rituals Apprentice - Robin Rose Bennett (2022)
    Lead Apprentice to Alexandra Roxo for Embodied Feminine Spirituality (2022-present)

  • Coaching + Mentorship
    The Altar
    Ritual of Movement
    The Ritual RX
    Workshops + Events

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